体育平台 0000874499 0000874499 2019-08-06 2019-08-06





华盛顿特区.C. 20549







Date of report (Date of earliest event reported): 2019年8月6日



(Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)













(I.R.S. 雇主



俄克拉荷马城, 俄克拉何马州






(405) 252-4600

(Registrant’s telephone number, including area code)

(Former name or former address, if changed since last report)


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用勾号标明注册人体育平台是否为1933年证券法第405条(第230条)中定义的新兴成长型公司.(本章第405条)或规则 12b-2 《1934年证券交易法》(第11条240.12b-2 (本章).


如果体育平台是一家新兴成长型公司, 如果注册人选择不使用延长的过渡期来遵守根据《体育平台》第13(a)条规定的任何新的或修订的财务会计准则,请用复选标记注明.  



第五项.02. Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers; Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers.


8月9日, 2019, Gulfport Energy Corporation (“Gulfport” or the “Company”) appointed Quentin R. 希克斯 as the Company’s new Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, 将于8月26日生效, 2019年(“生效日期”).

Mr. 希克斯, 年龄44岁, 目前担任Halcón Resources Corporation(“Halcón”)的执行副总裁兼首席财务官。, 他自2019年3月以来一直担任职务, having previously served as Executive Vice President, 金融, Capital Markets and Investor Relations of Halcón since January 2018. Mr. 在GeoResources与Halcón合并后,希克斯最初于2012年8月加入Halcón担任财务规划总监. 他被提升为副总裁, 金融 of Halcón in August 2013 and in January 2016, 他被提升为高级副总裁, 财务及投资者关系. 在GeoResources工作期间. 希克斯 served as Director of Acquisitions and Financial Planning from 2011 to 2012. 2004年至2011年, he worked in investment banking with Bear Stearns, Sanders Morris Harris and most recently Madison Williams, where he was a Director in their energy investment banking practice. 在此之前,Mr. 希克斯 worked as Manager of Financial Reporting for Continental Airlines. Mr. 希克斯 began his career in 1998 working as an auditor for Ernst and Young LLP. Mr. 希克斯毕业于德克萨斯大学&M University with a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Master of Science degree in Accounting. 此外,Mr。. 希克斯持有Vanderbilt University的工商管理硕士学位,并持有德克萨斯州的注册会计师执照.

李先生和李先生之间没有任何家庭关系. 希克斯 and any of the Company’s directors or executive officers. Mr. 希克斯 has no interest in any transaction required to be disclosed pursuant to Item 404(a) of Regulation S-K promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

The Company has entered into its standard indemnification agreement with Mr. 希克斯, to be effective as of the Effective Date. The indemnification agreement requires the Company to indemnify Mr. 在特拉华州法律允许的最大范围内,希克斯承担因其为公司服务而可能产生的责任, 并预支因对他提起诉讼而产生的费用,而这些费用可以得到赔偿. 上述对赔偿协议的描述旨在作为摘要,并以公司形式的赔偿协议全文作为其完整性的限定, which was previously filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on August 2, 2019年作为展品10.2 to the Company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended June 30, 2019 and is incorporated herein by reference.

8月9日, 2019, the Company entered into an employment agreement (the “Employment Agreement”) with Mr. 希克斯, to be effective as of the Effective Date. The Employment Agreement provides for the employment of Mr. 希克斯自生效日起担任公司执行副总裁兼首席财务官,初始任期至12月31日, 2023; provided that the agreement will automatically renew for successive 为期一年的 条款,除非公司或Mr. 希克斯在初始期限或任何续约期限结束前至少90天发出不续约的书面通知. 如果在雇佣协议有效期内发生控制权变更(定义见雇佣协议), 期限将顺延至原期限届满之日或控制权变更生效之日起24个月后的较晚日期.

《体育平台》规定. 除其他事项外,希克斯具有:(i) a 一次性 现金奖金150美元,在加入公司时,你将获得10,000英镑, (ii)每年基本工资425美元,000, (iii)根据公司的年度激励计划,有资格获得相当于基本工资90%的目标年度奖金, (iv) eligibility for annual grants of equity awards as determined in the sole discretion of the compensation committee of the board of directors (the “Committee”) of the Company pursuant to the Company’s equity compensation plans; provided that, with respect to the calendar year ending December 31, 2020, Mr. 希克斯 will receive awards that have a target aggregate fair value of 200% of base pay, (v) reimbursement for all reasonable expenses incurred in connection with Mr. 希克斯搬到俄克拉荷马城, 俄克拉何马州, 最高不超过70美元,000, and (vi) benefits that are customarily provided to similarly situated executives of the Company.

The Employment Agreement further provides that (i) if Mr. 希克斯’ employment is terminated without cause by the Company or by Mr. 希克斯 for good reason (as such terms are defined in the Employment Agreement), Mr. 希克斯有权获得相当于(a)年度基本工资和目标年度奖金的100%的遣散费, (b)按比例发放目标年度奖金, (c)按比例授予其未授予的奖励(在终止日期之前,根据其表现授予绩效奖励), (d) immediate vesting of any Company matching or other contributions to the Company’s 没有修饰 deferred compensation plans, if any (“Company 没有修饰 Contributions”), and (e) a lump sum payment equal to Mr. 希克斯’ monthly COBRA premium for a 12 month period, and (ii) if Mr. 希克斯’ employment is terminated without cause by the Company or by Mr. 希克斯 for good reason, in each case, within 24 months following a change in control, Mr. 希克斯有权获得相当于年度基本工资和目标年度奖金200%的遣散费, (w)按比例发放目标年度奖金, (x)立即授予其未授予的奖励(在终止日期之前,根据其表现授予绩效奖励), (y)任何公司的立即归属 没有修饰 Contributions, and (z) a lump sum payment equal to Mr. 希克斯’ monthly COBRA premium for an 18 month period. 根据《体育平台》应支付的遣散费以及时执行放弃和解除索赔为条件. 雇佣协议还包含一个 为期一年的 后的 其中 clause and standard confidentiality, trade secrets and cooperation provisions.

上述对《体育平台》的描述旨在作为摘要,并通过参考该《体育平台》的全文而具有完整性, 作为附件10.1并通过参考并入本协议.


8月9日, 2019, 克里克罗威尔, 担任公司首席财务官, resigned from her position with the Company. There were no disagreements between the Company and Ms. 与任何控制问题或对公司财务报表披露或会计政策或惯例的分歧有关的事项.

与…有关. 克罗威尔辞职, 8月9日, 2019年(“离职日期”), Gulfport entered into a separation and release agreement (the “Separation Agreement”) with Ms. 克罗威尔. Pursuant to the Separation Agreement, the Company has agreed to pay Ms. 克罗威尔 separation payments in the aggregate amount of $362,500 and to reimburse Ms. 克罗威尔的 portion of COBRA premiums for a maximum of 12 months which, along with $100,000 of Ms. 克罗威尔的 separation payments, is subject to Ms. 克罗威尔的 non-revocation 某些释放. Further, the Separation Agreement provides for the Company’s retention of Ms. 克罗威尔 as a consultant for a period of 12 months from the Separation Date, 在某些条件下. 公司将支付给. 克罗威尔 consulting fees of $30,200 per month for the periods of time during such 12个月 Ms的周期. 克罗威尔 is actually retained as a consultant.

上述对分离协议的描述旨在作为摘要,其完整性参照该协议的全文进行限定, 作为附件10.2并通过参考并入本协议.


On 2019年8月6日, 公司批准了一种形式的股票激励奖励协议,该协议受公司2019年修订和重述股票激励计划或任何后续计划(“计划”)条款的约束。, pursuant to which the Company may grant to appropriate personnel a variety of stock incentive awards. The Plan was previously filed with the SEC on August 2, 2019年作为展品10.1 to the Company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended June 30, 2019 and is incorporated herein by reference.

业绩股票奖励协议(“业绩股票奖励协议”)的形式将用于根据股东相对总回报(“RTSR”)向公司指定的高管授予业绩股票。. RTSR体育平台是一种激励措施,根据公司的RTSR排名与公司指定同行组中公司的RTSR相比,参与者将获得目标奖励的0%至200%. 业绩股票奖励协议下的奖励(“业绩股票奖励”)将在1月1日起的业绩期内获得和授予, 2019年至12月31日, 2021, subject to earlier termination of the performance period in the event of a change in control. 本摘要并不体育平台是完整的,而体育平台是通过参考业绩股份奖励协议的形式来完善其完整性, 作为附件10.3并通过参考并入本协议.

9项.01. 财务报表及附件

(d)    展品







Employment Agreement dated August 9, 2019, by and between the Company and Quentin R. 希克斯.




Separation and Release Agreement dated August 9, 2019, by and between the Company and 克里克罗威尔.








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Pursuant to the requirements 《1934年证券交易法, 注册人已正式授权以下签字人代表其签署本报告.










/s/帕特里克·K. Craine




帕特里克·K. Craine



