Exhibit 99.1


Press Release




Gulfport Energy Corporation Completes $200 Million Stock

Repurchase Program and Provides 2018 Operational Update

OKLAHOMA CITY (January 17, 2019) Gulfport Energy Corporation(纳斯达克股票代码:GPOR)(“Gulfport”或“公司”)今天提供了最新消息 for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2018. Key information includes the following:



2018年完成了此前宣布并扩大的2亿美元股票回购计划, including 2018年第四季度部署了9000万美元,收购了20家.并在2018年将流通股减少10%以上.



2018年全年的净产量平均约为1,360.3 MMcfe per day.



2018年全年实现天然气价格,不含衍生品影响 transportation costs, averaged $2.53 per Mcf, a $0.与纽约商品交易所平均交易月结算价格的差异为每百万英尺55美元.



Realized oil price for the full year of 2018, 之前包括交通运输在内的衍生品的影响 costs, averaged $63.48 per barrel, a $1.30 per barrel differential to the average WTI oil price.



2018年全年实现液化天然气价格, before the impact of derivatives and including transportation costs, averaged $0.71 per gallon, equivalent to $29.85美元/桶,约为WTI原油均价的46%.



预计2018年全年的资本支出总额约为813美元.9 million.



Gulfport drilled 23 gross (19.5口净井和13口总井在Utica页岩中运营.1 net) operated wells in the SCOOP.



Gulfport turned-to-sales 35 gross 在Utica页岩和15口总(12.6 net) operated wells in the SCOOP during 2018.

Completed Previously Announced Stock Repurchase Program

在2018年第四季度,格尔夫波特回购了10艘.2 million shares and completed in full the 此前宣布并扩大授权计划,在2018年期间收购公司高达2亿美元的已发行普通股. 自2018年2月启动股票回购计划以来,格尔夫波特进行了回购 20.700万股,并将流通股减少10%以上.


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Fourth Quarter 2018 Production and Realized Prices

Gulfport 2018年第四季度的净日产量平均约为1,392.8 MMcfe per day. For the fourth quarter of 2018, Gulfport的净日产量约91%由天然气组成, 6% natural gas liquids and 3% oil.

Gulfport’s average realized prices for the fourth quarter of 2018 were $2.40 per Mcf of natural gas, $109.01 per barrel of oil and $1.每加仑液化天然气价格为23美元,相当于天然气的总价格为3美元.25 per Mcfe. Gulfport’s average realized prices for the fourth quarter of 2018 include an aggregate non-cash derivative gain of $41.3 million. Before the impact of derivatives, realized prices for the fourth quarter of 2018, including transportation costs, were $3.16 per Mcf of natural gas, $58.45 per barrel of oil and $0.每加仑液化天然气价格为67美元,相当于天然气总价格为3美元.45 per Mcfe.

Gulfport 2018年全年的净日产量平均约为1,360.3 MMcfe per day. For the full year of 2018, Gulfport’s net 每日生产组合中约有89%由天然气组成, 7% natural gas liquids and 4% oil.

Gulfport’s average realized prices for the full year of 2018 were $2.27 per Mcf of natural gas, $58.81 per barrel of oil and $0.每加仑液化天然气价格为73美元,相当于天然气总价格为2美元.73 per Mcfe. 格尔夫波特2018年全年的平均已实现价格包括 aggregate non-cash derivative loss of $65.1 million. Before the impact of derivatives, realized prices for the full-year of 2018, including transportation costs, were $2.53 per Mcf of natural gas, $63.48 per barrel of oil and $0.每加仑液化天然气价格为71美元,相当于天然气总价格为2美元.98 per Mcfe.





     Three Months Ended
December 31,
     Twelve Months Ended
December 31,
     2018      2017      2018      2017  

Production Volumes:


Natural gas (MMcf)

     116,470        103,049        443,742        350,061  

Oil (MBbls)

     635        730        2,801        2,579  

NGL (MGal)

     55,025        61,555        251,720        224,038  

Gas equivalent (MMcfe)

     128,139        116,225        496,505        397,543  

Gas equivalent (Mcfe per day)

     1,392,820        1,263,319        1,360,289        1,089,159  

Average Realized Prices

(before the impact of derivatives):


Natural gas (per Mcf)

   $ 3.16      $ 2.32      $ 2.53      $ 2.42  

Oil (per Bbl)

   $ 58.45      $ 53.71      $ 63.48      $ 48.29  

NGL (per Gal)

   $ 0.67      $ 0.76      $ 0.71      $ 0.61  

Gas equivalent (per Mcfe)

   $ 3.45      $ 2.80      $ 2.98      $ 2.78  


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Average Realized Prices

(包括衍生工具的现金结算,不包括 non-cash derivative gain or loss):




Natural gas (per Mcf)

   $ 2.63      $ 2.50      $ 2.49      $ 2.49  

Oil (per Bbl)

   $ 51.57      $ 51.93      $ 53.97      $ 49.88  

NGL (per Gal)

   $ 0.64      $ 0.70      $ 0.66      $ 0.58  

Gas equivalent (per Mcfe)

   $ 2.92      $ 2.91      $ 2.86      $ 2.85  

Average Realized Prices:


Natural gas (per Mcf)

   $ 2.40      $ 3.26      $ 2.27      $ 3.08  

Oil (per Bbl)

   $ 109.01      $ 32.04      $ 58.81      $ 46.99  

NGL (per Gal)

   $ 1.23      $ 0.63      $ 0.73      $ 0.54  

Gas equivalent (per Mcfe)

   $ 3.25      $ 3.42      $ 2.73      $ 3.32  

下表按资产区域总结了Gulfport 2018年的产量:





     Three Months Ended
December 31,
     Twelve Months Ended
December 31,
     2018      2017      2018      2017  

Utica Shale


Natural gas (MMcf)

     99,277        90,374        379,417        309,450  

Oil (MBbls)

     65        107        299        473  

NGL (MGal)

     20,990        33,875        113,379        139,634  

Gas equivalent (MMcfe)

     102,665        95,854        397,406        332,238  



Natural gas (MMcf)

     17,187        12,648        64,258        40,501  

Oil (MBbls)

     393        401        1,710        1,083  

NGL (MGal)

     34,020        27,660        138,261        84,283  

Gas equivalent (MMcfe)

     24,406        19,008        94,268        59,038  

Southern Lousiana


Natural gas (MMcf)

     (2      19        15        75  

Oil (MBbls)

     162        210        721        974  

NGL (MGal)

     —          —          —          —    

Gas equivalent (MMcfe)

     968        1,280        4,338        5,917  



Natural gas (MMcf)

     9        8        51        35  

Oil (MBbls)

     15        12        72        50  

NGL (MGal)

     15        20        80        121  

Gas equivalent (MMcfe)

     100        84        493        351  

(1) 2017年SCOOP产量调整至2017年2月17日截止日期.

2018 Capital Expenditures

For the year ended 2018年12月31日,Gulfport预计资本支出总额约为813美元.9 million.


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About Gulfport

Gulfport体育平台是一家独立的天然气和石油公司,专注于北美天然气和石油资产的勘探和开发 美国本土最大的天然气生产商之一. Headquartered in Oklahoma City, Gulfport在俄亥俄州东部的Utica页岩和俄克拉何马州的SCOOP Woodford和SCOOP Springer区块占有重要的面积. In addition, 格尔夫波特位于路易斯安那州墨西哥湾沿岸, 拥有猛犸能源服务公司22%的股权, Inc. (纳斯达克股票代码:TUSK),并在加拿大阿尔伯塔油砂公司拥有25%的股份 Grizzly Oil Sands ULC. For more information, please visit yjsjnfy.celdas.net.

Forward Looking Statements

本新闻稿包括“前瞻性陈述”,以私人证券诉讼改革法案的安全港条款为目的 《体育平台》、《体育平台是》第27A条及《体育平台》第21E条. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, included in this press release that address activities, events or developments 格尔夫波特预计或预计将来会或可能发生的事情, 未来资本支出(包括金额和性质), business strategy and measures to implement strategy, competitive strength, goals, expansion and growth of Gulfport’s business and operations, plans, market conditions, references to future success, 提及有关未来事项和其他此类事项的意向均为前瞻性陈述. These statements are based on certain assumptions 以及格尔夫波特根据其经验和对历史趋势的看法所做的分析, 当前状况和预期的未来发展,以及它认为在环境中适当的其他因素. However, whether actual 结果和发展将符合格尔夫波特的期望和预测,并受到许多风险和不确定性的影响, general economic, market, 信贷或商业状况可能会影响贷款的时间和金额 repurchase program; the opportunities (or lack thereof) that may be presented to and pursued by Gulfport; Gulfport’s ability to identify, complete and integrate acquisitions of properties and businesses; competitive actions by other oil and gas companies; changes in laws or regulations; and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of Gulfport. 有关这些和其他因素的信息可以在公司提交给美国证券交易委员会的文件中找到, including its Forms 10-K, 10-Q and 8-K. 因此,本新闻稿中所作的所有前瞻性陈述均为 并不能保证格尔夫波特预期的实际结果或发展将会实现, or even if realized, 他们会对格尔夫波特产生预期的后果或影响, its business or operations. Gulfport has no intention, and disclaims any obligation, to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future results or otherwise.


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Investor Contact:

Jessica Wills – Director, Investor Relations



Media Contact:

Adam Weiner / Cameron Njaa

Kekst CNC

adam.weiner@kekstcnc.com / cameron.njaa@kekstcnc.com



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